Thursday, January 5, 2017


Remember where you came from, who you are now, where you are going and how you are getting there.

Chapter 2 of Ephesians, reminds us that we all were sinners and under the power of the prince of the air.  We all were separated from God and it was only because of God’s great mercy and love that we have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness.  His grace has saved us through faith in Jesus the Son and now we live in the kingdom of light!

We need to remember that God gave us the gift of life through Jesus and we didn’t work for it, so we have no reason to brag about ourselves.  We can brag on God though, and his wonderful gift of grace for all who will receive it through faith.

Sometimes the obstacles that people have to Christianity are of their own making and doing, but sometimes it can be our pride in being a Christian.  We need to humbly present the gospel message, not making it seem that we are better than others; instead we need to present it in a way as if we are sharing a gift that we have received ourselves.

If I received a delicious 10 pound box of my favorite dark chocolate with nuts, I want to eat and savor some of them but I don’t want to be selfish and keep it all to myself.  Instead I want to share with my friends and family, so they too may enjoy this gift.

God doesn’t want us to selfishly horde our gift of grace; he wants us to share it graciously with others, so they too may enjoy the richness of Christ.

Remember, you too were once dead in your sin and trespasses.  Remember, that you have been given the gift of salvation through faith.  Remember, that is only through God’s grace that you have an eternal home in heaven, where you will meet Jesus face to face.

As you remember these truths, remember to share them from a place of grace and allow God to do the work in other’s hearts through His gift of love, grace and mercy.

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