Sunday, February 28, 2016

Resting in Jesus

"I am at rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will never be shaken."  (Psalm 62:1-2 HCSB)

Life sometimes feels like a whirlwind; motion, swirling all around you. There are events, requests, demands that surround you and you feel like you are being sucked into the never ending tornado of life.  

You start asking questions like: How did I get to this place? Why does everything feel out of control?  How can I get off this merry-go-round?

There is only one way; fix your eyes on Jesus in the midst of the chaos. Look into the Word and hear his voice say, "come apart with me and rest a while."   As you sit at his feet and learn from him, life comes back into focus.  You start to realize, what is important and what is not.

Dear friends in the busyness of this life, pause, take time before the Lord in the word and prayer.  Rest in him and allow his truth and peace to wash over you and calm your spirit.  And most importantly, keep your eyes on Jesus and the whirlwind, will not suck you up into anxiety and fear. Instead, as you look into his eyes, the whirlwind will start to fade away and you will find perfect peace because your mind will be focused on Him.

My morning  prayer song:
(I find my rest in God alone.  He is my salvation; he is my strength.  He is my rock and I will not be shaken. 
I find rest in Christ my King; he is Lord and Savior of all things.  I find my Sabbath rest in Him. I rest from my own works and depend on Him.  He is the Rock of my salvation and I stand firmly upon his truth.
Jesus Christ I rest in you.  All my troubles, fears and concerns I surrender to you.  I lay down my burdens at your feet; I take up your yoke and follow you.  Jesus Lord of my heart, I find my rest in you.  Amen)