Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Snap shots of Santo Domingo #1

Looking outside the window of the Hotel room in Santa Domingo, I can see the green trees, other hotels and the ocean on the horizon.   Last night our group arrived, excited but tired after spending our time flying from Colorado Spring to Santa Domingo.

Today is Sunday and we will be going to church that works with Vision Trust.  I am excited to worship with the local believers and to see what God is going to show me here in Santa Domingo.

The driver of our bus navigates the traffic and the narrow roads well and we arrive safely at the church.  We walk up a set of narrow stairs to the roof where a few women are fervently praying in Spanish on their knees before the church service.

The service begins with prayer in Spanish.  I catch a word or two here and there and though I don't understand it all,  I  sense the passion and sincerity of the people's hearts.

As the service continues, with worship, prayer and a message, parts of it are interpreted, but the worship isn't.  I recognize some of the tunes and try to remember the English words.  As I am worshiping and taking it all in, I hear God's Spirit, say "Let it go."

"Let it go."  Those three words can be hard to do, depending on the circumstances.  I felt like the Lord was telling me to not try so hard to understand everything, but to worship Him in the moment; Worship who He is, and allow His Spirit to take control  and guide me in praise and worship.

As I let go of my expectations and just worshiped the Lord, I found words coming to my mind that were lifting Him up.  I don't know if they were the exact interpretation of the songs, but I do know that they were a response of gratitude, worship and praise to the Lord.

I believe that the Lord often tells us to "Let it go" and trust him.  Sometimes it means giving up something that we want.  Sometimes it is giving up control of a situation that feels overwhelming.  Sometimes it means surrendering our disappointment, anger or frustration over lost opportunities or past hurtful relationships.

We can only grab on to something new, if we let go of what is old.  Maybe the Lord is telling you today to "Let it go".  Are you willing to release it all to Him, so He may give you something new and refreshing?
Love from Santa Domingo
Triss Curtis

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