Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Portraits of Peru-Milagro

What can I say about Mila?  She is one of those people that you instantly connect to.  On our first day in Piura she and Jenny, both of them interpreters, sat at our table for lunch and started asking questions, making us feel comfortable and welcomed in their country.

Mila had a beautiful big smile and a huge heart, I could tell that right away.  Whenever she interpreted the message for me to the children or the adults, I could hear the love in her voice.  One thing that is important in interpreting is not only getting across the words, but the meaning and heart of the message and she definitely did that!

Sometimes she prompted me by asking questions or making suggestions about what I should ask.  They were the perfect prompts because other ideas would come to my mind, as she made suggestions.

In one instance, she was interpreting for me in the ladies group and she suggested me sharing part of a scripture that applied to the topic.  As I shared that scripture, more came to my mind and I was able to expand on her prompting and encourage the women to trust Christ to be the strength they needed for every situation.

In the same women’s group, I had been asking all the questions, when Mila suggested that I share my experience on how the Lord had helped me through a difficult situation.  As I opened up and shared my story, the women were able to see my vulnerabilities and how Jesus had taken me through my trials and strengthened me.

My heart is connected to my sweet sister in Christ, Mila, and I am so grateful to the Lord to have the opportunity to meet her, to pray for her, and to share the love of God and good news of Jesus to others, as a team.

The last thing I remember her saying was “…until we meet again, either here or in heaven.”   Mila, I love you and thank you for making an impact on my life and on the lives of others.  I hope to see you again here, but if not, I know I will see you someday, in the presence of Jesus.

Triss 11/23/16

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