Friday, March 10, 2017

Jesus watches over you and me.

There are times in our lives, when we feel alone and isolated, but the truth is Jesus is watching over us.  He sees the tiny sparrows in their nest and he sees us too.  He values the creatures he created, how much more he values the children he saved.  Jesus has promised never to leave or forsake us.  He promises to be with us through the valleys and the shadows.  When we can’t see him in the valleys and the shadows, we need to cling to his promises, for they are true.  We need to read them, proclaim them, sing them and believe them.

I often find that as I meditate on God’s promises and sing and speak them; they move from my head to my heart. That is when I start to really believe them and the clouds part, the sun comes out and my hope in Jesus returns.

My dear friend, if you are struggling in a valley or in the shadows; remember God’s promises in Christ Jesus our Lord. Think on them, speak them, sing them, until they become a reality in your life again.

Matthew  6:25-27
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns — and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?…

Matthew 10:29-31
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.[a] 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

"His Eye Is On The Sparrow”
Words by Civilla D. Martin, 1905
                 Music by Charles H. Gabriel, 1905

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I'm happy,
I sing because I'm free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

"Let not your heart be troubled," His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.


Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me