Recently, someone unwittingly said and did something that
brought me back to the “Wounded Place”. The place that I thought was healed and
untouchable; yet here I am again, a child, feeling unwanted and unlovable. An
old wound is opened and starts to fester. There is still some infected tissue
that needs to be removed, so I can experience more healing.
As I struggle through the feelings of rejection, a battle is
waged in my soul. The Adult in me is
fighting for the truth and who I am in Christ, while the child within is
struggling with anger and sorrow. The adult
wants to understand and be gracious; the child wants to attack back and protect
herself. In the midst of this all the
enemy of my soul is throwing the old lies in my face, saying, “See, you are not
important or lovable, maybe if you were a different person then someone would
want you.”
At the same time Jesus is calling through the fog of pain
and self-pity, saying,
“You are my beloved; don’t allow your mind to be twisted by
the lies of the enemy. He wants to kill, steal and bring destruction to your
life. Instead of looking at the
circumstances and others, look at me; I will clear your mind and give you a
true and pure perspective. I will
cleanse your heart and set you free. I
love you with an Everlasting love and no one can snatch you out of my
hand. Every trial you experience is
sifted through my hands of grace.
Instead of allowing your circumstances and other’s actions to control
your thoughts and feelings, allow me to mature and change you more into my
image. When you focus on me, I am able
to bring more healing into your life, as well as my peace and joy. I am the one that gives you the ability to
look away from yourself and onto the needs of others. Allow my love to unclog your wounded heart so
it may flow like a river into the lives of those around you. ”
We all have “wounded places” in our hearts, and Satan wants
to dredge them up to continue to sow
anger, discontent, bitterness, self-pity, low self-esteem, etc… in our
These attitudes steal our
peace and joy and the light of Christ is dimmed in our lives.
of staying in the "wounded place", listen to Jesus; He beckons us to
come unto Him for healing and acceptance.
He wants to remove the poison of the "wounds" from
our lives; for if they fester, they become sin and keep us from experiencing
His peace, love and joy. If you are
having a struggle in this area of your life, turn your eyes back to the life
giver, who will change your perspective and allow you to receive His love and
abundant life today.
Hebrews 12:1-2
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus,
the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the
throne of God.”
John 10:10
“The thief comes only to seal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it
Psalm 13:5
“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”
give us a deeper awareness of your love for us and bring healing to the wounded
places in our hearts, so that we may love others, as you have loved
us. Amen
(Triss Curtis May 30, 2013)